Highlighted Happenings
Wrapping Up 2024
The 2024 DCFF Christmas Party photos are posted. Thanks to Jeff D. for capturing the good times!. Click here.
Fly Fusion Magazine is offering the final chance to purchase tickets ($15) for the 2024 Virtual International Fly Fishing Film Festival Films. This opportunity ends December 31st. For details click here.
We have a new 2025 Trip Schedule Page, click here. Details and trip coordinators are being firmed up, but this is the preliminary schedule.
Fly tying for January already set up.
Our Facebook page has grown a lot this year, and we are looking to launch an Instagram site in Q1.
Thanks to everyone that made 2024 a great year for our club and we are looking forward to 2025!
2025 Kentuckiana Fly Show
We are wrapping up the planning for the 2025 show. If you wish to volunteer to work the show, please click here.
Derby City Fly Fishers On the Move
In September, three of our club members Walter Montgomery, Steve Kuric, and Michael Broome, took a two-week trip to Salt Lake City to Complete the Utah Cutt Slam. The trio traveled 500 miles on highway and forest service dirt roads throughout the state to catch the 4 native cutthroat trout and receive the certificate of completion from the state. This trip was described in an hour-long pod cast which is listed below. Pod cast name is Fish Untamed and can be found on your mobile device in your “Podcast” icon. Take some time and listen to what some of your club members are up to these days.
To access the Wyoming Cutt Slam Podcast, click here.
To access the Utah Cutt Slam Podcast, Click here.
Kentuckyana Fly Tyers
Kentuckiana Fly Tyers’ are back in session again. They are starting off the New Year with Dan Jackman tying 2- Nymphs, the Midnight Rider and the Rainbow Warrior. Click here to go to the event page to RSVP. Please note that they will be at a new location.
They will be at Rooster’s on Shelbyville Road in Middletown starting on the FIRST THURSDAY of each month at 7pm.
We hope that everyone will be able to join in, so mark your calendars and let your friends know.
November Meeting Follow Up
Our November Meeting featured Trent Winlock, an Environmental Engineer for MSD, (and also an avid fly fisher) who gave a compelling presentation concerning water quality in and around Jefferson County Kentucky, and how stream and river health is monitored and the process that MSD has implemented to constantly improve our local waters. Here is the follow up from that presentation with links that he referenced. This is some great information!
To access the reports, click here.
Taylorsville Lake Fish Habitat Project
Three DCFF members volunteered to support the KDFW project adding fish structure in Taylorsville Lake.
Read more about the event and view the picture gallery of it here.
DCFF Mentor Program
Remember when you were a novice fly fisher and wished you had someone you could call with questions or ask for advice? Maybe even head out to a local stream for a little one-on-one on-the-water time to try out that new rod or just learn a little about the fishing hole? Well DCFF is starting a mentor program to help newbies get started, but we need mentors. We are currently compiling a list of club members who are willing to be mentors. If you are interested in sharing your knowledge of fly fishing with someone new to the sport click here and scroll down to the Mentor Program paragraph to get more information and to sign up.
Missing our emails?
Some people have reported missing our newsletters and other email announcements. FIRST, check the spam folder in your email client for our emails. If they are there, set your preferences to allow emails from derbycityflyfishers.com. If that is not the problem send an email to membership@derbycityflyfishers.com to confirm we have the corrected email address for you.
Items Needed
More than anything, we need volunteers. We need people to step forward and be willing to lead trips or help with our educational and community service activities and events.
New leadership personnel are always welcome to serve as an officer or on the board of directors. If you are interested in exploring the volunteer opportunities with DCFF, please contact the president or one of the other board members! You do not have to be an expert fly fisher to help run the club, and if you get involved, you will get the contacts you need to become a better fly fisher!
DCFF is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization.
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Website Comments Please Email: webmaster@derbycityflyfishers.com