Highlighted Happenings
DCFF Q1 Newsletter
The Q1 2025 “Quarter Pole” Newsletter is out! This is our fist publication since changing our format for 2025. Give it a look and tell us what you think. Click here for the newsletter, and for comments or questions, contact Jeff at newsletter@derbycityflyfishers.com
Bass Pro / Cabela’s Spring Fishing Classic
Once again, Derby City Fly Fishers has been invited to participate in the Bass Pro / Cabela’s Spring Fishing Classic. The event runs three weekends in March, 8th-9th, 15th-16th, and 22nd-23rd. We will be operating a fly-tying station in each of the locations to promote the club, and we are looking for volunteers to help out. Details are on the Events Calendar for each day. We will be running two shifts each day, and you can check the schedule and sign up here to share your skills with the shoppers.
2025 Trips Update
Our first trip of 2025, Otter Creek is behind us. For some pictures of this very cold and windy outing click here.
Our next club trip will be to Dillsboro North Carolina in April. Only 5 Weeks Away!
The highly anticipated Spring Fishing Trip to North Carolina is just around the corner—April 9th to 12th! Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to fish some of the best streams and rivers in the region, including the Tuckasegee, West Fork Pigeon River, and Nantahala River.
We’ll be staying at the Best Western in Dillsboro, NC, which is right on the Tuckasegee River, and only a short 7-minute drive to Webster, NC, and the White Church access site.
Important Update: The NCWRC has resumed stocking trout in March and April, ensuring great fishing opportunities during our trip! You can find more details on the stocking schedule here.
Don’t wait—sign up now to secure your spot on this unforgettable adventure!
Link: https://derbycityflyfishers.com/event/north-carolina-spring-trip-2/
Fly Fishing 101
The January 29th Fifth Wednesday Fly Fishing 101 – Local Waters presentations were a big hit and the response was overwhelming. So much so that there weren’t enough handouts to go around. To remedy that all the handouts can be found by clicking here.
March 22nd and March 29th. Derby City Fly Fishers, in conjunction with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Fern Creek Sportsman Club, will be offering a two-part Fly Fishing 101 Class that will consist of one day at the Parklands with classroom and casting instructions, and a second day with on the water instruction on a private lake. We will need the help of volunteers to help to make this a success. Please click here to sign up.
The event is limited to 30 participants, and registration is required. Please click here for more information.
The April 30th “5th Wednesday Fly Fishing 101” session will “Beginners Fly Tying”. Click here for details.
2025 Kentuckiana Fly Show
As a follow up from the show, Kentuckiana Fly Tyers has donated an incredible fly box at the show that is being given away. See George Tipker, at george@derbycityflyfishers.com, and you can click here for details and pictures of the box.
Thanks to Jeff Moore for these pictures from the Fly Show! Click here.
Fly Tying Sign Up List
The DCFF Education Department is asking for volunteers to lead the monthly Fly Tying nights which are once a month at Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shop. Each volunteer will receive $100 to cover materials. If you have any questions, you can contact John at jfroehlich@derbycityflyfishers.com for more information, or sign up here to participate.
DCFF Mentor Program
Remember when you were a novice fly fisher and wished you had someone you could call with questions or ask for advice? Maybe even head out to a local stream for a little one-on-one on-the-water time to try out that new rod or just learn a little about the fishing hole? Well DCFF is starting a mentor program to help newbies get started, but we need mentors. We are currently compiling a list of club members who are willing to be mentors. If you are interested in sharing your knowledge of fly fishing with someone new to the sport click here and scroll down to the Mentor Program paragraph to get more information and to sign up.
Missing our emails?
Some people have reported missing our newsletters and other email announcements. FIRST, check the spam folder in your email client for our emails. If they are there, set your preferences to allow emails from derbycityflyfishers.com. If that is not the problem send an email to membership@derbycityflyfishers.com to confirm we have the corrected email address for you.
Items Needed
More than anything, we need volunteers. We need people to step forward and be willing to lead trips or help with our educational and community service activities and events.
New leadership personnel are always welcome to serve as an officer or on the board of directors. If you are interested in exploring the volunteer opportunities with DCFF, please contact the president or one of the other board members! You do not have to be an expert fly fisher to help run the club, and if you get involved, you will get the contacts you need to become a better fly fisher!
DCFF is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization.
Click Here to be redirected to the local Orvis store site
Click Here to visit our Bass Pro Shop
Click Here to visit our Cabela’s
Website Comments Please Email: webmaster@derbycityflyfishers.com