These are the planned trips for 2025. Trip coordinators are finalizing details so there may be changes. We should have all trips finalized by late January 2025. Please use for your planning purposes. Links will be activated for individual trips when details have been finalized. Click on active links (underlined red) to access trip details and the sign-up link.
Additional trips may be considered, and will be added if approved. Please contact our Trip Coordinator, Mike Norris if you would like to volunteer to coordinate a trip.
* For insurance purposes, participants in club trips must be members of Derby City Fly Fishers and have a signed Liability Waiver on file.
** All costs are based on the best information available at the time of publication of the trip. Any subsequent price increases will be communicated as soon as the Club is aware of them. Participants will be responsible for any price increases. Trip coordinators will determine the best method for handling payment of the increase
*** All DCFF club trips are subject to cancellation.
**** Some trips require a deposit. See detailed event pages for individual trips for refund details.
20-22, Westover Farms, Steelville, MO We are looking to make this a Fall trip.
28-March 2, Otter Creek Camping Trip, Muldraugh, KY (FULL)
9-12, North Carolina Spring Trip, Dillsboro, NC (UPDATE)
4-10, Michigan Base Camp, Clair, MI
7-11, Green-Sullivan State Forest & Shakamak State Park, Jasonville, IN
11-15, Michigan Base Camp, Clair, MI (short Week)
21-23, Green River, Greensburg, KY (FULL)
25-31, Michigan Base Camp, Clair, MI
7-14, Waterfalls Lodge, Spanish Ontario, Canada
20-22, Cumberland River, Helms Landing, KY
9-11, Obey River, Dale Hollow Tail Water, Celina, TN
11-13, Cumberland River, Helms Landing, KY
15-17, Cumberland River, Helms Landing, KY
24-30, Camp Buffalo Bill, Cody, WY
12-14, White River, Fort Wayne, IN
22-27, WKU-Raymond Poff Trip, Missoula, MT (12 open seats as of 1/18/2025)
26-28, Salmon Camp, Baldwin, MI
8-11, North Carolina Fall Trip, Waynesville, NC
5-9, Green-Sullivan State Forest & Shakamak State Park, Jasonville, IN