The topic for this meeting will be casting instruction. The Club will meet on the parking garage roof (weather permitting.) Volunteers should arrive a few minutes before 9:00 am.
Note: The address provided below is actually the YMCA parking garage on 2nd Street. After entering and taking your parking ticket (will be validated at the school office) proceed to either the 3rd level catwalk (for indoor meetings) or 4th level (for outdoor meetings.)
We have always had a great team of DCFF volunteers assisting and look to you for continued support. You do not want to miss out on this rewarding experience and you don’t need to attend every session to participate. There will be weeks when only two or three DCFF volunteers are needed. You don’t have to be an expert in all areas of fly fishing, just basic knowledge and proficiency is all that is required.
Mike Parker will be the DCFF coordinator for this program this year. You can contact him for questions/information about the program and volunteer needs for each club meeting (, 530-440-5645)
If interested in volunteering, contact John Froehlich (270-314-0362, He will assist with getting you setup as a volunteer and add you to the contact list the group.